About Salvia Divinorum

The official salvia divinorum about us page


Fast Shipping

Fast shipping and friendly service. We process your order right the first time. Our prices are great and your experience will be even greater. Enjoy but salvia from SalviaDivinorum.com's global connectons.


Salvia Extracts

We process salvia extract using the latest technology. Our salvia divinorum extracts are the purest on the market. Get a cleaner safer otherworld experience.


Salvia Seeds

We have the largest salvia divinorum seed depository in the world. 99% of the worlds salvia is propogated and unable to produce seed. We are one of the only salvia seed breeders left on Earth.

Our Salvia Skills & Expertise

All team members love Salvia Divinorum. It has all changed our lives for the better. It's something the unexperienced will just never understand.

We are a team of dedicated users, horticulturalists, scientists and philosophers.




Anthony Whitehead

Our spiritual guardian and CEO. He has changed the way we view the world and has made our lives stress free and peaceful.


Mel Shannon

Mel is our master horticulturalist. She's know's everything there is about breeding and preserving salvia divinorum seeds.


Lorenzo Garcia

Lorenzo is our Chief Extract Engineer. He's a master at extracting and refining salvia divinorum leaves without any contaminants left behind. His personal journey is about making the purest extract possible for the best possible experience

Everything you need to open up the fracture to another world